Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Kottar Jubilee Yātra

The Diocese of Kottar joyfully participated in the CCBI Jubilee Yātra on Tuesday, 18 June 2024, at Kottar. 

The event commenced with an inaugural address by Bishop Nazarene Soosai, emphasizing the importance of hope within the diocesan community. "As we are in the process of the Diocesan Synod, it is very apt that we learn to walk together as pilgrims of hope," said Bishop Nazarene, inspiring the clergy gathered.

Msgr. T. John Rufus, the Vicar General, welcoming the gathering, said, "Let us take the Jubilee 2025 preparations to every corner of our Diocese."

The Jubilee Yatra brought together 130 members of the diocesan clergy for a special recollection. This gathering provided an opportunity for them to update themselves on the synodal process within the Universal Church and to deepen their understanding of the upcoming Jubilee 2025.

Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, the National Coordinator, facilitated the learning of the four constitutions of the Second Vatican Council. His insights guided the participants in setting both personal and ministerial goals aligned with the spirit of the Jubilee 2025.

Additionally, two new initiatives, Communio and Catholic Connect, were introduced to the clergy. These platforms aim to enhance communication and foster a stronger sense of community within the Church in India.

The day's events culminated in a serene and spiritually enriching Eucharistic adoration, leaving the participants renewed in faith and unity.

The event was sponsored by Communio, an initiative of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India.