Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Jubilee 2025 Bookmarks and Guideline Brochure

Jubilee 2025 Bookmarks and Guideline Brochure Released for Local Church Celebrations

Bengaluru, 10 September 2024 – His Eminence Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrão, Archbishop of Goa and Daman, and President of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI), released the Jubilee 2025 Bookmarks and Guideline Brochure for local church celebrations. The release took place during the 95th Executive Committee Meet of the CCBI in Bengaluru.

Cardinal Ferrão said, “This brochure is a guide for local churches to help them celebrate Jubilee 2025 according to the guidelines from the Dicastery for Evangelization.” The bookmarks and brochure aim to help dioceses and parishes prepare for and participate in the Jubilee celebrations.

Pontifical Mission Organizations, India, sponsored the bookmarks and brochure, and also supported the Training of Trainers (ToTs) for Diocesan Contact Persons across the country. Rev. Dr. Ambrose Pitchaimuthu, National Director, was present for the occasion.

The brochure was prepared by Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, with input from the National Facilitating Team, regional representatives, and diocesan contact persons. It is based on the Bull of IndictionSpes non Confundit, and guidelines from the Dicastery for Evangelization. 

Special gratitude was extended to His Grace Most Rev. Dr. Rino Fisichella, Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization: Section for Fundamental Questions regarding Evangelization in the World, for his invaluable guidance.

The bookmarks and brochures are now available to all dioceses in India and will serve as vital resources for the clergy and the faithful as they prepare for this momentous Jubilee celebration.

Photos courtesy: Fr. Vignan Das Gangula

Handbook Release: Pilgrims of Hope on the Synodal Journey

Book Release: Pilgrims of Hope on the Synodal Journey: A Handbook on Jubilee 2025 Preparations and Celebrations

Bengaluru, 10 September 2024 – Pilgrims of Hope on the Synodal Journey: A Handbook on Jubilee 2025 Preparations and Celebrations, authored by Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara and Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, was officially launched today by His Eminence Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrão, Archbishop of Goa and Daman and President of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI). The book release took place during the 95th Executive Committee Meet of the CCBI in Bengaluru.

Cardinal Ferrão, also a member of the Dicastery for Evangelization, praised the book for its contribution to the Church’s ongoing Synodal journey. In his address, he stated, “This handbook encourages a deeper connection to the Synodal process, fostering unity and renewal within the diverse Catholic Church in India.” He expressed his appreciation for the authors, recognizing the handbook as a vital resource for bishops, clergy, parish leaders, and the laity as they prepare for the Jubilee 2025 celebrations.

The book offers comprehensive guidance on how to engage actively in the preparations for the Jubilee 2025, a significant moment of grace and renewal for the global Catholic Church. It is intended to serve as a spiritual and practical tool, inspiring and equipping the faithful for meaningful participation in the Jubilee celebrations.

The launch of Pilgrims of Hope on the Synodal Journey comes at a crucial time, as the Church continues to walk the path of synodality and renewal under the vision of Pope Francis. This handbook provides a roadmap for deepening faith, fostering community, and celebrating the spirit of the Jubilee 2025.

The book is published by Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, and is distributed by ATC Publishers, Bengaluru. 

For orders please write to  ccbipublications@gmail.com or call Mobile: +91 988 67 30 224.

Gratitude to Mr. Nigel Fernandes, CEO, ATC Publishers.

Photos courtesy: Fr. Vignan Das Gangula