Sunday, February 25, 2024

840 Hours of Continous Prayer at Chromepet

Parish of Immaculate Conception Church, Chromepet, Chennai, Diocese of Chingleput, embarks on 840-Hour Continuous Prayer during Lent as part of the Year of Prayer in preparation for the Ordinary Jubilee A. D. 2025.

In a remarkable display of faith and devotion, the Parish of Immaculate Conception Church, located in Chromepet, Chennai 44, within the Diocese of Chingleput, on Sunday, 18 February 2025, inaugurated 35 days (840 hours) of continuous prayer during the Season of Lent. This spiritual initiative was undertaken as a central component of Pope Francis' invitation to celebrate 2024 as the Year of Learning as a preparation for the Jubilee 2025. 

Very Rev. Fr. G. Backiya Regis, Parish Priest of Immaculate Conception Church and Vicar Forane, in an interview with Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, National Coordinator for the Jubilee 2025, said, "As part of the celebration of the Year of Praying it has been envisaged that the parish, through its 52 Basic Ecclesial Communities, various movements and associations, engages in a 35-day incessant prayer (18 February 2024, 06:00 am to 24 March 2024, 06:00 am), at the 24x7 Eucharistic Chapel. This will be an occasion for personal, family, parish, diocesan, and social renewal."

"The commitment and enthusiasm displayed by our parishioners as we have begun this continuous prayer are truly inspiring. It is a testament to the deep faith and spiritual hunger within our community. As we continue our Year of Praying, this experience will undoubtedly serve as a foundation for personal and collective growth in faith," the parish priest added.

The continuous prayer vigil is not only a time of spiritual reflection but also an opportunity for the parish community to come together as children, young people, families, associations, movements in solidarity, supporting one another in prayer and fostering a sense of shared purpose. The present initiative is ecumenical and interfaith insofar as it invites people from different denominations and faiths. 

Parishioners shared personal testimonies about the impact of the continuous prayer experience on their spiritual lives. Many expressed a profound sense of peace, renewal, and strengthened connections with their faith community.

This initiative aligns with the broader objectives of the Year of Praying, which seeks to provide diverse opportunities for spiritual growth, education, and community engagement throughout the year.

Very Rev. Fr. G. Backiya Regis has exhibited extraordinary commitment and creativity in leading the parish on a path of spiritual growth and community enrichment. His innovative approaches to pastoral ministry have not only invigorated our worship experiences but have also nurtured a vibrant and inclusive environment for all parishioners.

During the Lent 2023 the parish celebrated 100 hours of Eucharistic Adoration, and 24 hours of the Sacrament of Reconciliation with a special confession from a Missionary of Mercy. This year, besides 840 hours of incessant prayer, every day 'an hour with Jesus' is being observed from 09:00 pm to 10:00 pm; the lenten collections procured through family dumb boxes are sent to support the construction of churches in four rural villages of the Diocese; the entire Book of Psalms is being read and prayed during the Lent.

Under Fr. Backiya Regis' leadership, the parish has witnessed a myriad of initiatives, including but not limited to: 

(a) Innovative Liturgical Celebrations: Fr. Backiya Regis has introduced creative elements to our liturgical celebrations, making them more engaging and spiritually fulfilling. From thematic homilies to interactive sessions, the liturgical experiences have become moments of profound reflection and community connection.

(b) Community Outreach Programs: Recognising the importance of serving the broader community, Fr. Backiya Regis has spearheaded various outreach programs. These initiatives, such as food drives (daily mid-day meals for about 200 persons), educational support, and concern for the sick exemplify the parish's commitment to embodying Christian values in action.

(c) Technology Integration: Embracing the digital age, Fr. Backiya Regis has seamlessly integrated technology into the parish's activities. Livestreamed services, virtual community gatherings, and online resources have expanded accessibility and inclusivity for parishioners. Weekly newsletters, regular updates on social media, dissemination of materials through booklets keep the parishioners active and involved.

"Glory of God and joy of people have been the two focuses whenever I plan any activity," stated Fr. Backiya Regis. Further he added, "Involvement brings forth innovation" (in other words, 'interest brings energy').

In expressing the parish's appreciation, one of the BEC leaders remarked, "Fr. Backiya Regis' pastoral creativity has been a source of inspiration for our entire community. His innovative and inclusive approach to ministry has reinvigorated our spiritual journey and strengthened our bonds of fellowship. We are immensely grateful for his visionary leadership."

For more information on the 35 days (840 hours) of incessant prayer at the Parish of Immaculate Conception Church, Chromepet, Chennai, and other activities, please click the following link:

Salem Jubilee Yātra

The Diocesan Pastoral Council of Salem embarked on a transformative journey of learning and discernment as they delved into the profound teachings encapsulated in the Four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council. The Council, comprised of dedicated clergy and laity, immersed themselves in a comprehensive study aimed at deepening their understanding of the Church's core principles and mission.

This initiative, led by the visionary leadership of the Salem Diocese, sought to empower members with the wisdom encapsulated in the constitutions, namely: Sacrosanctum Concilium (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy), Lumen Gentium (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church), Dei Verbum (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation), and Gaudium et Spes (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World).

Through a day of collaborative study sessions, discussions, and reflections, the Diocesan Pastoral Council not only absorbed the profound teachings but also identified key pastoral priorities that resonate with the present needs of the local faith community.

Msgr. D. Michaelraj Selvam, Vicar General, inaugurating the Jubilee Yātra on behalf of His Excellency Most Rev. Dr. Arulselvam Rayappan, Bishop of Salem, said that the Jubilee 2025 invites us to a journey with three orientations, viz., orientation to God, to the Church, and to ourselves. 

The event was organised on 24 February 2024 at Annai Illam in the premises of Infant Jesus Cathedral. Rev. Fr. J. Bernard Joseph, the Diocesan Contact Person for Jubilee 2025, Rev. Fr. Gobi Emmanuel, the Director of the Pastoral Centre, and Rev. Dr. Joseph Lazar, the Parish Priest of Infant Jesus Cathedral planned and coordinated the program, which was facilitated by Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, National Coordinator for Jubilee 2025.

"The reflection on the Four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council in the light of the Synod for a Synodal Church was an eye-opener for me to identify the pastoral priorities for my parish," said a priest-participant.

"We want the treasury of the Magisterial Teachings easily available and accessible to all the parishioners," said Mr. Charles Richard, an entrepreneur.

Earlier, Most Rev. Dr. Arulselvam Rayappan, Bishop of Salem, expressing gratitude for the Diocesan Pastoral Council's dedication to this learning endeavour 
stated, "The engagement of our Diocesan Pastoral Council with the Second Vatican Council's constitutions is a testament to our commitment to a vibrant, informed, and spiritually enriched community. The identified pastoral priorities will guide our collective efforts in fostering a faith-filled and compassionate environment for all."

This significant milestone marks a renewed commitment to the mission of the Church in Salem, aligning it with the timeless wisdom of the Second Vatican Council. The Diocesan Pastoral Council looks forward to implementing these priorities in collaboration with the clergy and laity, fostering a dynamic and responsive faith community.