Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Kottar Jubilee Yātra

The Diocese of Kottar joyfully participated in the CCBI Jubilee Yātra on Tuesday, 18 June 2024, at Kottar. 

The event commenced with an inaugural address by Bishop Nazarene Soosai, emphasizing the importance of hope within the diocesan community. "As we are in the process of the Diocesan Synod, it is very apt that we learn to walk together as pilgrims of hope," said Bishop Nazarene, inspiring the clergy gathered.

Msgr. T. John Rufus, the Vicar General, welcoming the gathering, said, "Let us take the Jubilee 2025 preparations to every corner of our Diocese."

The Jubilee Yatra brought together 130 members of the diocesan clergy for a special recollection. This gathering provided an opportunity for them to update themselves on the synodal process within the Universal Church and to deepen their understanding of the upcoming Jubilee 2025.

Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, the National Coordinator, facilitated the learning of the four constitutions of the Second Vatican Council. His insights guided the participants in setting both personal and ministerial goals aligned with the spirit of the Jubilee 2025.

Additionally, two new initiatives, Communio and Catholic Connect, were introduced to the clergy. These platforms aim to enhance communication and foster a stronger sense of community within the Church in India.

The day's events culminated in a serene and spiritually enriching Eucharistic adoration, leaving the participants renewed in faith and unity.

The event was sponsored by Communio, an initiative of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Coimbatore Jubilee Yātra

Diocese of Coimbatore Gears Up for Jubilee 2025 at Clergy-Religious Recollection

The Diocese of Coimbatore held its monthly clergy-religious recollection on June 10th, 2024, with a special focus on the upcoming Jubilee Year celebrations in 2025. 


Most Rev Dr. L. Thomas Aquinas, Bishop of Coimbatore, delivered the inaugural address, emphasizing the importance of the Jubilee as a time for "personal and ministerial renewal." 


Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, serving as the National Coordinator for Jubilee 2025, facilitated the recollection, guiding the clergy and religious on incorporating the Jubilee themes into their ministries. 


The gathering concluded with the development of a concrete action plan to ensure the Jubilee celebrations reach every parish and institution within the Diocese. This comprehensive plan aims to foster spiritual growth and a renewed commitment to the Church’s mission.


Jubilee 2025 Preparation Plan - Diocese of Coimbatore


Goal: Ensure a vibrant and impactful Jubilee celebration across all parishes and institutions within the Diocese of Coimbatore.


Following the themes set by Pope Francis (“Pilgrims of Hope”) and the preparatory years (2023 - Year of Learning, 2024 - Year of Prayer), this plan outlines activities for 2024 and beyond.


Clergy & Religious: Organize workshops on the Second Vatican Council documents and their relevance to the Jubilee theme. Facilitate regular prayer sessions focusing on themes of hope, renewal, and the Church’s mission.


Parish Level: Conduct special study sessions for parishioners on the Jubilee theme and the Second Vatican Council documents, using simplified materials and local language resources. Encourage prayer initiatives within parishes, such as dedicated prayer groups, special novenas, or incorporating Jubilee themes into existing prayer services.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Sisters of Poor Clare for Jubilee 2025

The Sisters of Poor Clare of Perpetual Adoration in the Diocese of Palayamkottai have officially commenced their preparations for the Jubilee 2025 celebrations. This significant event was marked by a session, led by Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, the National Coordinator for Jubilee 2025. 

The Coordinator provided an in-depth presentation on the significance of Jubilee 2025, emphasizing its roots in the biblical tradition and its importance in the spiritual life of the Church. The Jubilee Year, which is based on the principles of renewal, reconciliation, and spiritual growth, calls for a profound reflection on forgiveness, liberation, and holiness.

During this special session, the sisters were encouraged to join hands in prayer with the Universal Church during this designated Year of Prayer. This collective prayer effort aims to cultivate a deep spiritual atmosphere, inviting the Holy Spirit to renew the hearts and minds of the faithful worldwide.

The Sisters of Poor Clare of Perpetual Adoration, known for their dedication to perpetual prayer and adoration, have embraced this mission with great enthusiasm. Their commitment to continuous prayer aligns seamlessly with the goals of Jubilee 2025, making them integral participants in this global spiritual endeavor.

As the Universal Church is on this journey of preparations towards Jubilee 2025, the sisters' role as prayerful intercessors will be vital. Their prayers and reflections will support the spiritual renewal of the entire community, fostering a spirit of unity, peace, and grace.

Sr. Baptista, responding to the inputs shared, said, "We are closed to the world outside, but we are always open to God in prayer and adoration. We will accompany the Universal Church through prayer."