Thursday, May 2, 2024

Dharmapuri Launches the Calendar Jubilee Preparations

Diocese of Dharmapuri Unveils Calendar for Year of Study and Prayer in Preparation for Jubilee 2025 

The Diocese of Dharmapuri proudly launches the calendar for the Year of Study and Prayer, marking a significant milestone in preparation for Jubilee 2025. The unveiling took place amidst the Jubilee Yātra undertaken by the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI), on Thursday, 2 May 2024, signifying a period of profound spiritual reflection and renewal.


His Excellency Most Rev. Dr. Lawrence Pius Dorairaj, the Local Ordinary, released the calendar, emphasizing the importance of Jubilee 2025 as an opportunity to review and realign pastoral ministry in accordance with the signs of the times and the path of synodality. Speaking at the Bishop’s house during the Monthly Recollection attended by 72 priests and religious, His Excellency urged all present to engage with zeal and enthusiasm in the preparations, with a particular focus on animating the lay faithful.


Prior to the release, Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, National Coordinator for Jubilee 2025, introduced the 35 Council Notebooks and 8 Notes on Prayer, released by the Dicastery for Evangelisation, Section for Fundamental Questions regarding Evangelization in the World. These resources are poised to guide the faithful on their journey of study and prayer leading up to the Jubilee.


Under the leadership of the conveners and with the support of the resource persons, the calendar for the Year of Study and Prayer has been meticulously prepared. This comprehensive document outlines the schedule of events, activities, and initiatives aimed at fostering spiritual growth, reflection, and preparation for Jubilee 2025.


The calendar reflects the themes and priorities outlined by Most Rev. Dr. Lawrence Pius Dorairaj for the Year of Study and Prayer, ensuring alignment with the broader objectives of the diocese and the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India.


The event commenced with the Holy Rosary, a symbol of devotion and contemplation, and concluded with Eucharistic adoration, underscoring the centrality of the Eucharist in Catholic worship and spiritual life.


Rev. Fr. R. Arulraj and Rev. Fr. A. Susairaj served as the conveners for the preparations, with Rev. Fr. K. Maria Joseph, Rev. Fr. P. John Kennedy, Rev. Fr. A. Alfred Joseph, Rev. Fr. A. Arockia Savariappan, and Rev. Fr. I. Robert acting as resource persons. The meticulous efforts of Rev. Fr. F. George Jackson Louis, who prepared the calendar, have ensured seamless coordination of preparations and celebrations in the Diocese of Dharmapuri.

- Prayer.Solidarity.Mission, an initiative of the Conference of the Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI), was the event partner.