Monday, May 13, 2024

BRBC at Week-long Study of Vatican II Documents

Raiganj, West Bengal – May 13, 2024 – The Bengal Regional Bishops' Council (BRBC) has embarked on a significant journey of exploration and reflection, convening a week-long study of the Four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council. Hosted in Raiganj, West Bengal, the event commenced on May 13th and will continue until May 17th, 2024.

Under the auspices of Archbishop Vincent Aind of Ranchi, Secretary to the BRBC and the convenor of the meeting, participants hailing from diverse dioceses within the region have gathered with a collective purpose. Reflecting on the Biblical text of Acts 15, Archbishop Aind emphasised the dual objectives of the gathering: to delve into the profound teachings encapsulated in the Four Constitutions and to discern actionable pastoral priorities for the region.


In his inaugural address, Archbishop Thomas D'Souza of Calcutta, Chairman of the BRBC, underscored the significance of the upcoming Jubilee 2025 as an opportune moment for revitalizing pastoral activities within the region. He urged widespread participation in both the preparatory phases and the ensuing celebrations, fostering a spirit of communal engagement and renewal.


Bishop Fulgence Aloysius Tigga of Raiganj, the Local Ordinary, extended a warm welcome to all participants, framing the gathering not merely as a passive learning experience but as a transformative opportunity to become catalysts for positive change within their respective dioceses. He echoed the call of Pope Francis to revisit the foundational documents of the Second Vatican Council with renewed zeal and relevance.


Facilitating the Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop,  Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, the national coordinator for the Jubilee 2025, outlined the three-fold objectives of the gathering: deepening theological understanding, identifying practical applications for pastoral ministry, and fostering a sense of collective responsibility and solidarity.


The workshop has drawn together a diverse group of 57 participants, including bishops, priests, religious, catechists, professionals, and young people, reflecting the multi-faceted nature of the Church’s mission and ministry within the region.


As the BRBC continues its intensive study and deliberations, the spirit of collaboration, discernment, and mission animates each session, promising to enrich both individual participants and the wider ecclesial community in Bengal.

 - Prayer.Solidarity.Mission, an initiative of the Conference of the Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI), was the event partner.

Photo credits: Fr. Kanauj Roy