Thursday, February 22, 2024

Jamshedpur Jubilee Yātra

The Diocese of Jamshedpur marked a significant milestone with the Jubilee Yatra held on 9 and 10 February 2024, centred around the Four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council. This momentous event, graced by the presence of Most Rev. Telesphore Bilung SVD, Bishop of Jamshedpur, was heralded as an occasion for spiritual renewal and revival.

In his inaugural address, Most Rev. Telesphore Bilung SVD, emphasized the importance of the Jubilee Yātra as a catalyst for rejuvenating the faith and strengthening the community. He spoke passionately about the timeless relevance of the Second Vatican Council and its profound impact on the Church's mission in the modern world. The Yātra, he proclaimed, serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all believers to embrace the spirit of Vatican II.

A pivotal aspect of the Jubilee Yātra was the workshop animated by Rev. Fr. Enoch Mackwan (Fr. Adeodatus), a member of the CCBI National Facilitating Team. Conducted in Hindi, the workshop delved into the core principles and teachings encapsulated within the Four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council. Fr. Mackwan's insightful guidance and expertise provided attendees with a deeper understanding of the Council's vision and its implications for contemporary Catholic life.

The Jubilee Yatra witnessed enthusiastic participation from clergy, religious, and lay faithful alike, coming together to reflect, engage, and celebrate the enduring legacy of Vatican II. Through prayer, study, and fellowship, attendees reaffirmed their commitment to embodying the Council's spirit of renewal, dialogue, and mission.

Reflecting on the event, Bishop Telesphore Bilung expressed his gratitude to all those involved in organizing and participating in the Jubilee Yātra. He commended their dedication and enthusiasm in fostering a vibrant faith community rooted in the teachings of Vatican II.

The Diocese of Jamshedpur looks forward to continuing its journey of faith, inspired by the timeless wisdom of the Second Vatican Council and fortified by the bonds of fellowship forged during this auspicious occasion.