Sunday, February 25, 2024

840 Hours of Continous Prayer at Chromepet

Parish of Immaculate Conception Church, Chromepet, Chennai, Diocese of Chingleput, embarks on 840-Hour Continuous Prayer during Lent as part of the Year of Prayer in preparation for the Ordinary Jubilee A. D. 2025.

In a remarkable display of faith and devotion, the Parish of Immaculate Conception Church, located in Chromepet, Chennai 44, within the Diocese of Chingleput, on Sunday, 18 February 2025, inaugurated 35 days (840 hours) of continuous prayer during the Season of Lent. This spiritual initiative was undertaken as a central component of Pope Francis' invitation to celebrate 2024 as the Year of Learning as a preparation for the Jubilee 2025. 

Very Rev. Fr. G. Backiya Regis, Parish Priest of Immaculate Conception Church and Vicar Forane, in an interview with Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, National Coordinator for the Jubilee 2025, said, "As part of the celebration of the Year of Praying it has been envisaged that the parish, through its 52 Basic Ecclesial Communities, various movements and associations, engages in a 35-day incessant prayer (18 February 2024, 06:00 am to 24 March 2024, 06:00 am), at the 24x7 Eucharistic Chapel. This will be an occasion for personal, family, parish, diocesan, and social renewal."

"The commitment and enthusiasm displayed by our parishioners as we have begun this continuous prayer are truly inspiring. It is a testament to the deep faith and spiritual hunger within our community. As we continue our Year of Praying, this experience will undoubtedly serve as a foundation for personal and collective growth in faith," the parish priest added.

The continuous prayer vigil is not only a time of spiritual reflection but also an opportunity for the parish community to come together as children, young people, families, associations, movements in solidarity, supporting one another in prayer and fostering a sense of shared purpose. The present initiative is ecumenical and interfaith insofar as it invites people from different denominations and faiths. 

Parishioners shared personal testimonies about the impact of the continuous prayer experience on their spiritual lives. Many expressed a profound sense of peace, renewal, and strengthened connections with their faith community.

This initiative aligns with the broader objectives of the Year of Praying, which seeks to provide diverse opportunities for spiritual growth, education, and community engagement throughout the year.

Very Rev. Fr. G. Backiya Regis has exhibited extraordinary commitment and creativity in leading the parish on a path of spiritual growth and community enrichment. His innovative approaches to pastoral ministry have not only invigorated our worship experiences but have also nurtured a vibrant and inclusive environment for all parishioners.

During the Lent 2023 the parish celebrated 100 hours of Eucharistic Adoration, and 24 hours of the Sacrament of Reconciliation with a special confession from a Missionary of Mercy. This year, besides 840 hours of incessant prayer, every day 'an hour with Jesus' is being observed from 09:00 pm to 10:00 pm; the lenten collections procured through family dumb boxes are sent to support the construction of churches in four rural villages of the Diocese; the entire Book of Psalms is being read and prayed during the Lent.

Under Fr. Backiya Regis' leadership, the parish has witnessed a myriad of initiatives, including but not limited to: 

(a) Innovative Liturgical Celebrations: Fr. Backiya Regis has introduced creative elements to our liturgical celebrations, making them more engaging and spiritually fulfilling. From thematic homilies to interactive sessions, the liturgical experiences have become moments of profound reflection and community connection.

(b) Community Outreach Programs: Recognising the importance of serving the broader community, Fr. Backiya Regis has spearheaded various outreach programs. These initiatives, such as food drives (daily mid-day meals for about 200 persons), educational support, and concern for the sick exemplify the parish's commitment to embodying Christian values in action.

(c) Technology Integration: Embracing the digital age, Fr. Backiya Regis has seamlessly integrated technology into the parish's activities. Livestreamed services, virtual community gatherings, and online resources have expanded accessibility and inclusivity for parishioners. Weekly newsletters, regular updates on social media, dissemination of materials through booklets keep the parishioners active and involved.

"Glory of God and joy of people have been the two focuses whenever I plan any activity," stated Fr. Backiya Regis. Further he added, "Involvement brings forth innovation" (in other words, 'interest brings energy').

In expressing the parish's appreciation, one of the BEC leaders remarked, "Fr. Backiya Regis' pastoral creativity has been a source of inspiration for our entire community. His innovative and inclusive approach to ministry has reinvigorated our spiritual journey and strengthened our bonds of fellowship. We are immensely grateful for his visionary leadership."

For more information on the 35 days (840 hours) of incessant prayer at the Parish of Immaculate Conception Church, Chromepet, Chennai, and other activities, please click the following link:

Salem Jubilee Yātra

The Diocesan Pastoral Council of Salem embarked on a transformative journey of learning and discernment as they delved into the profound teachings encapsulated in the Four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council. The Council, comprised of dedicated clergy and laity, immersed themselves in a comprehensive study aimed at deepening their understanding of the Church's core principles and mission.

This initiative, led by the visionary leadership of the Salem Diocese, sought to empower members with the wisdom encapsulated in the constitutions, namely: Sacrosanctum Concilium (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy), Lumen Gentium (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church), Dei Verbum (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation), and Gaudium et Spes (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World).

Through a day of collaborative study sessions, discussions, and reflections, the Diocesan Pastoral Council not only absorbed the profound teachings but also identified key pastoral priorities that resonate with the present needs of the local faith community.

Msgr. D. Michaelraj Selvam, Vicar General, inaugurating the Jubilee Yātra on behalf of His Excellency Most Rev. Dr. Arulselvam Rayappan, Bishop of Salem, said that the Jubilee 2025 invites us to a journey with three orientations, viz., orientation to God, to the Church, and to ourselves. 

The event was organised on 24 February 2024 at Annai Illam in the premises of Infant Jesus Cathedral. Rev. Fr. J. Bernard Joseph, the Diocesan Contact Person for Jubilee 2025, Rev. Fr. Gobi Emmanuel, the Director of the Pastoral Centre, and Rev. Dr. Joseph Lazar, the Parish Priest of Infant Jesus Cathedral planned and coordinated the program, which was facilitated by Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, National Coordinator for Jubilee 2025.

"The reflection on the Four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council in the light of the Synod for a Synodal Church was an eye-opener for me to identify the pastoral priorities for my parish," said a priest-participant.

"We want the treasury of the Magisterial Teachings easily available and accessible to all the parishioners," said Mr. Charles Richard, an entrepreneur.

Earlier, Most Rev. Dr. Arulselvam Rayappan, Bishop of Salem, expressing gratitude for the Diocesan Pastoral Council's dedication to this learning endeavour 
stated, "The engagement of our Diocesan Pastoral Council with the Second Vatican Council's constitutions is a testament to our commitment to a vibrant, informed, and spiritually enriched community. The identified pastoral priorities will guide our collective efforts in fostering a faith-filled and compassionate environment for all."

This significant milestone marks a renewed commitment to the mission of the Church in Salem, aligning it with the timeless wisdom of the Second Vatican Council. The Diocesan Pastoral Council looks forward to implementing these priorities in collaboration with the clergy and laity, fostering a dynamic and responsive faith community.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Indore Jubilee Yātra

The Diocese of Indore, Madhya Pradesh, commenced its preparations towards Jubilee A.D. 2025 with a seminar held on February 17, 2024. Led by Most Rev. Chacko Thottumarickal SVD, Bishop of Indore, the event emphasised the importance of spiritual preparations in anticipation of the forthcoming Jubilee year.

In his inaugural address, Most Rev. Chacko Thottumarickal SVD underscored the significance of Jubilee 2025 as a profound spiritual exercise for the Universal Church. He emphasised that genuine preparation for Jubilee requires a deep commitment to spiritual renewal, prayer, and reflection, urging all attendees to embark on a journey of inner transformation.

The Jubilee Yatra served as a catalyst for spiritual introspection and renewal, providing clergy, religious, and lay faithful with an opportunity to engage in prayer, contemplation, and dialogue. 

Looking ahead, the Diocese of Indore remains steadfast in its commitment to fostering a vibrant and spiritually enriched faith community. As the journey towards Jubilee A.D. 2025 unfolds, the faithful are invited to embrace the call to spiritual renewal and to journey together in faith, hope, and love.

Later in the evening, Most Rev. Chacko Thottumarickal SVD unfurled the Jubilee 2025 flag and declared the Jubilee 2025 preparations open, in the presence of Msgr. Thomas Mathew Kuttimackal, the Bishop-Elect of Indore, announced prior to the Holy Eucharistic Celebration.

The National Facilitating Team, in collaboration with the Diocesan Contact Persons, animated the seminar.

Thanjavur Jubilee Yātra

The Diocese of Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, embarked on a transformative journey with the Jubilee Yātra held on February 15, 2024, to mark the commencement of Jubilee A.D. 2025 of the Universal Church. Led by Msgr. L. Sahayaraj, the Diocesan Administrator, the event served as a forum to prepare for and participate in the upcoming Jubilee celebrations.

In his inaugural address, Msgr. L. Sahayaraj articulated a vision of collective engagement and participation in the Jubilee 2025 preparations. He called upon parish communities to become active agents of change, initiating Jubilee-centered activities and fostering a spirit of pilgrimage and hope as they journey together on the synodal path.

The Jubilee Yatra provided a platform for reflection, prayer, and dialogue, inviting clergy, religious, and lay faithful to discern the themes and priorities of Jubilee A.D. 2025. Through interactive sessions participants were encouraged to explore ways to deepen their faith, foster unity, and promote solidarity within their communities.

Looking ahead, the Diocese of Thanjavur stands poised to embrace the opportunities and challenges of Jubilee A.D. 2025 with faith, courage, and hope. As pilgrims of hope on the synodal journey, the faithful are called to journey together in solidarity, prayer, and service, bearing witness to the transformative power of God's love.

The sessions on the Synod, the Jubilee 2025, and Second Vatican Council were animated by Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, the National Coordinator for the Jubilee 2025. The event was organised by Rev. Dr. John Zacharias, Chancellor, and Rev. Dr. D. John Kennedy, Director of the Pastoral Centre. 

The participants identified the personal and ministerial goals in the light of the Four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council through the method of Spiritual Conversation (Conversation in the Spirit), as has been proposed by the Synod General Secretariat, Rome.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Tuticorin Jubilee Yātra

The Diocese of Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, initiated the preparations for the celebration of Jubilee A.D. 2025 with a momentous Jubilee Yātra held on February 12, 2024. Led by Most Rev. Stephen Antony, Bishop of Tuticorin, the event heralded a time of personal and collective renewal for the clergy and religious of the Diocese of Tuticorin.

In his inaugural address, Most Rev. Stephen Antony underscored the significance of Jubilee 2025 as a pivotal moment for spiritual rejuvenation and communal recommitment. He emphasised the need for introspection, repentance, and reconciliation, inviting all attendees to embark on a journey of personal transformation and communal solidarity.

The Jubilee Yatra served as a platform for reflection, prayer, and fellowship, uniting clergy, religious, and lay faithful in a shared endeavour to deepen their faith and embrace the call to holiness. 

Prior to the reflection on Jubilee 2025 the clergy spent an hour before the Eucharistic Lord, invoking his blessings for the journey of hope as envisaged by the Holy Father Pope Francis.

Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, the National Coordinator for the Jubilee 2025, animated the Eucharistic adoration and the discussion session.

Looking ahead, the Diocese of Tuticorin remains committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive faith community, rooted in the Gospel values of love, reconciliation, and solidarity. As Jubilee A.D. 2025 unfolds, the faithful are invited to embark on a journey of grace and transformation, guided by the Holy Spirit and inspired by the example of Christ.

Jamshedpur Jubilee Yātra

The Diocese of Jamshedpur marked a significant milestone with the Jubilee Yatra held on 9 and 10 February 2024, centred around the Four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council. This momentous event, graced by the presence of Most Rev. Telesphore Bilung SVD, Bishop of Jamshedpur, was heralded as an occasion for spiritual renewal and revival.

In his inaugural address, Most Rev. Telesphore Bilung SVD, emphasized the importance of the Jubilee Yātra as a catalyst for rejuvenating the faith and strengthening the community. He spoke passionately about the timeless relevance of the Second Vatican Council and its profound impact on the Church's mission in the modern world. The Yātra, he proclaimed, serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all believers to embrace the spirit of Vatican II.

A pivotal aspect of the Jubilee Yātra was the workshop animated by Rev. Fr. Enoch Mackwan (Fr. Adeodatus), a member of the CCBI National Facilitating Team. Conducted in Hindi, the workshop delved into the core principles and teachings encapsulated within the Four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council. Fr. Mackwan's insightful guidance and expertise provided attendees with a deeper understanding of the Council's vision and its implications for contemporary Catholic life.

The Jubilee Yatra witnessed enthusiastic participation from clergy, religious, and lay faithful alike, coming together to reflect, engage, and celebrate the enduring legacy of Vatican II. Through prayer, study, and fellowship, attendees reaffirmed their commitment to embodying the Council's spirit of renewal, dialogue, and mission.

Reflecting on the event, Bishop Telesphore Bilung expressed his gratitude to all those involved in organizing and participating in the Jubilee Yātra. He commended their dedication and enthusiasm in fostering a vibrant faith community rooted in the teachings of Vatican II.

The Diocese of Jamshedpur looks forward to continuing its journey of faith, inspired by the timeless wisdom of the Second Vatican Council and fortified by the bonds of fellowship forged during this auspicious occasion.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Udaipur Diocese in Jubilee Yātra

In a significant event marking the Jubilee Yātra, the priests of Udaipur, Rajasthan, under the leadership of His Excellency Most Rev. Devprasad John Ganawa SVD, the Bishop of Udaipur, dedicated a momentous day to the reading of 35 Council Notebooks on February 10, 2024. The event took place as part of the Year of Learning, a pivotal aspect of the Jubilee celebrations, aiming to deepen the understanding and spiritual growth of the community.

At the inaugural address, Most Rev. Devprasad John Ganawa SVD, Bishop of Udaipur, emphasised the importance of utilising the Year of Learning as an opportunity to sow seeds of insight in the hearts of the lay faithful. He expressed that these insights, gleaned from the Council Notebooks, should be planted as seeds, with the expectation of a bountiful harvest at the culmination of the Jubilee year.

"The Year of Learning is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's about sharing it, nurturing it, and allowing it to flourish within the hearts of our community. Today, as our priests delve into the Council Notebooks, we are sowing the seeds of wisdom, hoping for a rich harvest of spiritual growth and understanding," remarked Bishop Devprasad John Ganawa.

The event witnessed the active participation of priests from various parishes and institutions across Udaipur, collectively engaged in reading and reflecting upon the Council Notebooks. These notebooks, containing valuable insights and teachings, are an integral part of the Jubilee celebrations, serving as a guide for the faithful in their spiritual journey.

"I have taken a resolution to take the Four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council for my personal study and pastoral application," said a participant at the end of the session.

As the Jubilee Yatra unfolds, the Udaipur Diocese remains committed to fostering a culture of learning, reflection, and spiritual development among its members. The Year of Learning is not only a time for personal enrichment but also a collective effort to strengthen the spiritual fabric of the community.

In the coming months, the Udaipur Diocese will organize a series of events, workshops, and initiatives centered around the Jubilee theme, ensuring that the Year of Learning becomes a transformative experience for all. The reading of the Council Notebooks signifies a crucial step in this journey, setting the tone for a year of profound spiritual growth and community enrichment.

The event was animated by the National Facilitating 
Team of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) for the Ordinary Jubilee 2024, and was powered by Communio, an initiative that is engaged in prayer, solidarity, and mission.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Focolare Pilgrims of Hope for Peace

A transformative and inspiring gathering, titled 'Pilgrims of Hope for Peace,' took place on February 6, 2024, at Nava Spoorthi Kendra, Bengaluru. The event was organized by Sig. Marco Cittadini of Focolare India, bringing together participants from various walks of life to reflect on the profound significance of walking as pilgrims of hope for peace.

The gathering was graced by the presence of Sig. Carlos Palma, Founder and Coordinator of Living Peace International, who animated the reflection on the importance of fostering hope and working towards peace. The participants engaged in meaningful discussions and shared insights on the role each individual can play in contributing to a world marked by harmony and understanding.

The event also witnessed a special felicitation of Sig. Carlos Palma by Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, Executive Secretary to the Commission for Bible, Conference of Catholic Bishops of India. Rev. Prof. Dr. Karunanidhi, who also serves as the National Coordinator for the Jubilee 2025, expressed his appreciation for Sig. Palma's dedicated efforts in promoting peace and fostering a culture of dialogue.

The informal gathering served as a platform for individuals from diverse backgrounds to come together, exchange ideas, and reaffirm their commitment to being ambassadors of hope and peace in their communities and beyond.

Sig. Marco Cittadini, in his remarks, highlighted the importance of such gatherings in fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. He expressed gratitude to all participants for their active engagement and commitment to being agents of positive change.

As the Pilgrims of Hope for Peace embark on their respective journeys, the event echoes the call to collective action and emphasizes the transformative power of hope in building bridges and overcoming barriers.

Servite Leaders Walk Jubilee 2025 Journey

In a momentous gathering on February 7, 2024, at Nirmal Nagar, Dindigul, the Congregation of Mother of Sorrows Servants of Mary launched the Jubilee Yātra for team leaders, marking the beginning of a spiritual journey towards the Ordinary Jubilee 2025. The event was presided over by Rev. Sr. Decla Mary OSM, Superior General of the Congregation, who encapsulated the essence of the forthcoming jubilee.

In her address, Rev. Sr. Decla Mary OSM articulated, "The Jubilee 2025 invites us towards universal fraternity, solidarity with the peripheries, and care for our common home." The Ordinary Jubilee 2025 is anticipated to be a time of reflection, renewal, and recommitment to the values cherished by the Congregation of Our Lady of Seven Dolours.

Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, National Coordinator for the Ordinary Jubilee 2025, facilitated the discussions reflecting on 'Pilgrims of Hope in Communion, for Mission.' In the background of the 35 Council Notebooks, published by the Dicastery for Evangelisation: Section for Fundamental Questions regarding the Evangelisation in the World, he initiated the search to identify the pastoral priorities.

The team leaders, who play a pivotal role in guiding the Congregation through this jubilee year, welcomed with enthusiasm and anticipation. The Jubilee Yātra aims to spiritually prepare the leaders for the significant responsibilities they will shoulder in the coming months, fostering a sense of unity and purpose among them.

As the Jubilee Yātra embarks on its journey, the Congregation looks forward to embracing the themes of universal fraternity, solidarity, and environmental stewardship, as outlined by Rev. Sr. Decla Mary OSM.

The Ordinary Jubilee 2025 promises to be a time of spiritual growth, community building, and a rekindling of the congregation's commitment to serving humanity. As the journey unfolds, the Congregation of Mother of Sorrows Servants of Mary invites all to join in the spirit of jubilation and collective purpose, striving towards a more compassionate and harmonious world.

The event was hosted by Servite Alexis Province, Dindigul. As many as 27 team leaders of the Congregation participated in the Jubilee Yātra. During the interaction session various concerns such as missionary of mercy, synodality at the grassroots, challenges to live communion, and obstacles to mission were emerged. 

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Indian Bishops Read 35 Council Notebooks # Jubilee 2025

Bengaluru, India – February 3, 2024 - In a momentous occasion at the 36th General Body Meeting of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI), Indian bishops (of the Latin Church, Syro-Malabar Church, and Syro-Malankara Church) studied the 35 Council Notebooks, published by the Dicastery for Evangelization: Section for Fundamental Questions regarding Evangelization in the World for the preparations towards the Ordinary Jubilee 2025, marking a significant milestone in the journey of the Catholic Church in India. 

His Grace Most Rev. Andrews Thazhath, Archbishop of Thrissur Eparchy and the President of the CBCI, said, “The 35 Council Notebooks represent a journey of faith, reflection, and adaptation. They offer summary, background, and contextual reflections on the Second Vatican Council and the Four Constitutions. As we read these books and reflect, we also look forward to Jubilee 2025 with renewed hope and determination."


Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, the National Coordinator for the Ordinary Jubilee 2025, setting the context of the study of the Council Notebooks, presented the highlights of the 35 Council Notebooks. He remarked, “The Council Notebooks are a treasure house of the Church’s reflections over the years. They showcase the depth of our engagement with the world and our commitment to living out the Gospel in diverse contexts. As we prepare for the Ordinary Jubilee 2025, the insights from these Notebooks will guide our collective discernment and inspire renewed efforts towards the Church’s mission." 


“The Ordinary Jubilee 2025 holds special significance as it calls the Catholic Church to a period of reflection, celebration, and renewal. The Council Notebooks will play a pivotal role in shaping the discussions and initiatives during this Jubilee year, providing a foundation for the Church's continued journey in India,” endorsed His Grace Most Rev. Dr. George Antonysamy, Archbishop of Madras-Mylapore and Vice-President of the CBCI.


Jubilee 2025, a momentous event on the ecclesiastical calendar, is poised to be a year of celebration, reflection, and renewal for the Catholic Church in India. The Council Notebooks will play a pivotal role in shaping the discussions and initiatives during Jubilee 2025, providing a foundation for the Church’s future endeavours.


The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI) is the apex body of the Catholic Church in India, comprising of three Churches, representing the interests and concerns of the Catholic Bishops in the country. Committed to the service of the nation and humanity, CBCI plays a vital role in coordinating the activities of the Catholic Church and fostering unity among its members. 

The 36th General Body gathered from 31 January to 7 February 2024, at St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bengaluru, reflects on “the Church’s response to the present socio-political realities of the country and artificial intelligence.” The occasion is marked by prayer, deliberation on current challenges, and a collective commitment to advancing the mission of the Church in the diverse and dynamic context of India.

The highlights of the 35 Council Notebooks were prepared by the National Facilitating Team of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI), and the work is powered by Communio. The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India along with ATC Publishers has published the English Translation of the original in Italian.

[images: Ave Studios, Archdiocese of Bangalore]

Jubilee Yātra in the Diocese of Mangalore

In a significant step towards spiritual rejuvenation and communal unity, an Ongoing Formation for the Clergy of the Diocese of Mangalore was conducted as part of the Jubilee Yātra for the Holy Year 2025 at Shanthi Kiran Pastoral Centre in Bajjodi, Mangalore.  Over two enlightening days, 17 and 18 January 2024, the clergy engaged in a prayerful journey guided by the methods of the Jubilee Yātra.

Reflecting on the significance of the Jubilee Yātra, His Excellency Most Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore, said, “The Jubilee Yātra is a preparation for the Jubilee 2025 through study and prayer. What we are reflecting here is not something new but are revising, revisiting what we had learned during formation, and lived in priestly ministry. This Yātra will lead us to celebrate Jesus, celebrate the Church, and celebrate us, our faith life."

Rev. Dr Yesu Karunanidhi, National Coordinator of the Jubilee 2025, facilitated the programme. He emphasized the transformative nature of the Jubilee Yātra, describing it as a journey of the heart that unites priests, religious, and lay faithful on a shared path of reflection, renewal, and rekindled hope.

“As part of the Jubilee Yātra, a total of 132 Dioceses of the Church in India are slated to be visited, culminating in the grand celebration of the Jubilee in November 2025,” said Rev. Dr Yesu Karunanidhi. 

The programme, aptly titled “Pilgrims of Hope on the Synodal Journey: Integrated Pathways for Pastoral Ministry,” illuminated key aspects such as the Synodal Journey, Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope, Celebrating the Synod, and the Jubilee 2025. Participants delved into the study of the four Constitutions of the Vatican Council II, paving the way for enhanced Pastoral Ministry.
Guided by the methods of the Jubilee Yātra, the diocesan clergy embarked on a prayerful, reflective, and positive transformative journey. Group discussions, personal reflections, and the sharing of insights on the synodal way of living in pastoral life were integral components. The programme also explored personalised approaches to celebrating Jubilee 2025.

A gathering of around 75 priests from the Episcopal City, Mangalore City, Pezar, Surthkal, and Vittal Deaneries actively participated in the enlightening sessions. The remaining priests from Bela, Belthangady, Bantwal, Kirem, Permannur, Puttur, and Moodbidri are set to join the formation on January 18, 2023.

About Jubilee Yātra

The Jubilee Yātra is not a journey on foot, but a pilgrimage of heart; it is not a physical journey, but a spiritual voyage that seeks to connect believers across the Country in a shared pursuit of hope. Renewal, reflection, and consciousness are the milestones of the journey.

The objectives of the Jubilee Yātra are: (i) To disseminate the information concerning the Ordinary Jubilee 2025 integrating it with the Synod for a Synodal Church so that more people are brought to ‘synodal-consciousness’ as our Hope Father Pope Francis puts it; (ii) To introduce the Documents of the Second Vatican Council, especially the Four Constitutions, by bringing out the key themes and making them contextual to the life-realities of the people; and (iii) To familiarise the Catholic faithful with different forms and methods of prayer. All these objectives will lead to the goal of the ordinary Jubilee 2025 that we become ‘pilgrims of hope’ in the Church and the world.

[Write-up and photo courtesy: Fr. Anil Ivan Fernandes, Mangalore]