Saturday, November 25, 2023

Dindigul Jubilee Yātra

Most Rev. P. Thomas Paulsamy, Bishop of Dindigul, inaugurating the Jubilee Yātra in the Diocese of Dindigul, on Saturday, 25 November 2023, at St. Joseph's Cathedral Campus, said, "The Universal Church has completed the First Session of the XVI General Assembly of the Synod for a Synodal Church. The Synthesis Report calls for discernment at the Local Churches on communion, mission, and participation. The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI), integrating the Synod for a Synodal Church, invites us to prepare for the Jubilee 2025 through a year of learning and praying (2024). May the Holy Year 2025 be a year of renewal of faith in the Diocese of Dindigul and may we journey as pilgrims of hope joining hands with all."

Rev. Msgr. T. Sahayaraj, Vicar General, Rev. Fr. A. Samson Arockiadass, Procurator, Rev. Fr. P. John Peter, Chancellor, Rev. Fr. R. Maria Ignaci, Dean of Saint Joseph's Vicariate and Diocesan Contact Person for the Jubilee 2025 organised the event, which was attended by 210 priests and religious. 

The National Facilitating Team (a) introduced the highlights of the Synthesis Report of the Synod; (b) spelled out the scope and the significance of the Ordinary Jubilee 2025; and (c) proposed ways and means to partake in the Jubilee 2025 Preparations and Celebrations.

Deacon John Bosco, pointing at the presence of progressive and conservative trends in the Documents of the Second Vatican Council, asked how the present study of the Documents will help us resolve the tension.

Sr. Rajeswari OSM, a participant, interrogated on the change of synod tagline from 'communion-participation-mission' to 'communion-mission-participation.'

The parish priests and the heads of the religious institutes assured that they would take the themes of the Documents of the Second Vatican Council to the lay faithful and the community members. The following novena themes were proposed to the parish priests:

1. The Second Vatican Council: Scope and Impacts.

2. Divine Revelation and Human Response.

3. Sacred Liturgy: Mystery of Faith and Mystical Body of Christ.

4.  Identity and Vocation of the Church: The Call to the People of God to Holiness.

5. Reading the Signs of the Times in the Light of the Gospel.

6. Religious Freedom and Unitive Relationship: Paths and Avenues for Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue.

7. The Apostolates of the Lay Faithful: in the Church and the Society.

8. Office of the Bishops, Ministry and Life of Priests: Renewal.

9. Missionary Activities of the Church: New Perspectives.

10. Journey towards the Synodal Church: Moving Forward

The Diocese of Dindigul is the first Diocese in the Tamil Nadu Region to initiate the Jubilee Yātra. Our sincere appreciation and thanks to His Excellency Most Rev. P. Thomas Paulsamy, Bishop of Dindigul.