Sunday, August 25, 2024

Third Diocesan Contact Persons Training Program

The Third (and the Final) Diocesan Contact Persons Training Program successfully took place on 22-23 August 2024, in Kolkata. The event saw the participation of 51 Diocesan Contact Persons from across the country, marking a significant step in the ongoing preparations for Jubilee 2025.

His Grace Most Rev. Thomas D'Souza, Archbishop of Calcutta, delivered the presidential address, emphasising the importance of collaboration and mutual support among the Contact Persons. “Using the metaphor of the redwood,” the Archbishop remarked, “I would like to communicate that we need to network with each other for better stability and growth. Jubilee 2025 is a time of grace, renewal, and restoration.”


The training program featured insightful sessions facilitated by Sr. Lidwin Fernandes, Fr. Enoch Mackwan, and Fr. Yesu Karunanidhi, members of the CCBI National Facilitating Team for Jubilee 2025. Their guidance and expertise provided the participants with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively lead their dioceses in the spiritual journey towards the Jubilee.


The program was well-received, with participants expressing their gratitude for the opportunity to deepen their understanding and strengthen their roles in this critical period of renewal. The training sessions focused on fostering a spirit of unity, collaboration, and preparation for the forthcoming Jubilee, ensuring that every diocese is equipped to lead their faithful in a meaningful celebration of this holy occasion.


The event was sponsored by Pontifical Mission Organizations India, and Communio. During the training program, the participants were exposed to Catholic Connect App, and CCBI XXXVI Plenary Assembly Preparatory Document.


Msgr. Edward Kerketta, Diocesan Administrator of Bagdogra, presided over the valedictory session. Handing over the Jubilee 2025 lamp to the participants, he said, “Let us keep this light of hope alive in our hearts and in the hearts of every individual whom we encounter.”


Fr. Urgen Lepcha of Darjeeling proposed the vote of thanks. With the Jubilee 2025 hymn, the training came to a joyful close.