Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Archdiocese of Madurai Hosts One-Day Workshop

Archdiocese of Madurai Hosts One-Day Workshop on Synodal Documents and Jubilee 2025 Preparations

The Archdiocese of Madurai, as part of the CCBI Jubilee Yātra, held a significant one-day workshop on Tuesday, 16 July 2024, at PILLAR, Nagamalai, Madurai, focusing on the synodal documents, the constitutions of the Second Vatican Council, and the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) Plenary Assembly Preparatory Document, in anticipation of Jubilee 2025. 

The event was inaugurated by Most Rev. Antony Pappusamy, Archbishop of Madurai, during the clergy-religious reunion of the Archdiocese. In his opening address, Archbishop Antony Pappusamy emphasized the importance of the reunion, highlighting that "ongoing formation of priests is a pastoral and human requirement, as it helps us grow in pastoral charity and personal effectiveness. This year's reunion is dedicated to understanding the dynamics of the synod for a synodal church, Jubilee 2025 preparations and celebrations, and the CCBI preparatory document."

The workshop sessions were facilitated by Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, the National Coordinator for Synod and Jubilee 2025. The event saw active participation, with as many as 105 priests and men religious engaging in the discussions and activities.

Throughout the day, attendees delved deeply into the themes and documents that will shape the future of the Church's mission and community life. The interactive sessions provided a platform for exchanging ideas and fostering a deeper understanding of the synodal process and the upcoming Jubilee celebrations.

The workshop concluded with the formulation of a twelve-point action plan aimed at effectively implementing the insights and strategies discussed. This action plan is set to guide the Archdiocese's efforts in the lead-up to Jubilee 2025, ensuring a cohesive and inspired approach to the celebrations and the synodal journey.

The outline of the action plan is as follows: 

I. Dissemination: Jubilee information kits; Parish Jubilee messengers; Special Jubilee Edition of the News letter, and Catholicu Sevai; Jubilee workshops and training sessions at the deanery level.

II. Preparations: Bible study groups; Liturgical renewal; Family life enrichment; Social justice initiatives.

III. Celebrations: Jubilee year Pilgrimage; Jubilee central festival; Jubilee healing services; Community service projects.

The Archdiocese of Madurai is the 50th diocese visited as part of the Jubilee Yātra of the CCBI National Facilitating Team. Our sincere thanks to His Grace Most Rev. Dr. Antony Pappusamy, Archbishop of Madurai, for his invitation and welcome.

The clergy reunion was convened by Rev. Fr. S. Paul Britto, Director of the Pastoral Centre.

Photo credits: Joseph, Amal, Anand