Thursday, January 11, 2024

Jubilee Yātra in the Diocese of Sivagangai

The Jubilee Yātra held during the annual clergy reunion in the Diocese of Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu, from January 8-10, 2024, at the Vianney Pastoral Centre, stands as a beacon of transformative hope and renewal. Under the guiding theme, ‘Pilgrims of Hope on the Synodal Journey: Integrated Pathways for Pastoral Ministry,’ the event brought together 162 clergy members, and men religious. 

Most Rev. Dr. Lourdu Anandam, the esteemed Bishop of Sivagangai, encapsulated the essence of the Yātra by expressing, “The Jubilee Yātra set in the context of the synod for a synodal church, has been a profound journey of hope and renewal. It is our collective commitment to fostering integrated pathways for pastoral ministry that will resonate throughout our diocese.”


Throughout the Yātra, the Vianney Pastoral Centre provided a serene backdrop for collaborative discussions, workshops, and moments of prayer and reflection. The event’s culmination on January 10 was marked by a symbolic commitment ceremony, signifying the shared dedication of the clergy to the principles of the synodal journey and the enhancement of pastoral ministry within the diocese.


The Jubilee Yātra not only served as an occasion for learning and spiritual reflection but also strengthened the bonds of the clergy community. The insights gained during this profound journey are expected to guide future initiatives and practices within the Diocese of Sivagangai, fostering a more collaborative and integrated approach to pastoral ministry. 


Through the method of conversation in the spirit, the participants evolved a list of ten pastoral priorities, and calls to action for the Diocese. 


The clergy reunion was a time for the priests of the Diocese of Sivagangai to come together for prayer, reflection, and fellowship. It was also an opportunity for them to learn from one another and to be challenged to grow in their faith and ministry.