Monday, December 4, 2023

Khandwa Jubilee Yātra

The Jubilee Yātra of Hope organized by the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) in the Diocese of Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh, on Saturday, 2 December , 2023, was a transformative event that aimed to celebrate the upcoming Jubilee 2025 while reconnecting participants with the fundamental values of Christianity.

The Jubilee Yātra served as a platform for the priests and religious to reflect on their faith, fostering unity and a profound understanding of the Second Vatican Council. They, in turn, will take the training to their parishes and institutions. Msgr. Augustine Madathikunnel, the Diocesan Administrator, welcoming the National Facilitating Team, said, "The Ordinary Jubilee 2025 invites us to return our roots, and resume our faith journey from there celebrating our communion, promoting participation, and committing ourselves to mission." 

The primary goal of the Jubilee Yātra of Hope was to inspire participants to reflect on the synthesis report of the First Session of the XVI General Assembly of the Synod for a Synodal Church, and on the four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council.

The event was held at Archbishop Abraham Memorial Hall of the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, at Khandwa. As many as 120 priests and religious participated in the Yātra. Attendees actively participated in group discussions, sharing personal insights and experiences related to their faith journey. These intellectual endeavors aimed to deepen the participants' understanding of their faith and its historical context. The event not only celebrated the impending Jubilee 2025 but also served as a poignant reminder of the enduring principles that underpin Christianity. 

The impact of this gathering is expected to endure, leaving a lasting legacy in the hearts and minds of those who attended.

The Jubilee Yātra was coordinated by Rev. Fr. Raju Antony Vettickal, Diocesan Contact Person for the Jubilee 2025, Rev. Fr. Jose George, Financial Administrator, Rev. Fr. Jayan Alex, Director of KDSS, and hosted by Rev. Fr. Mathew, Director of the Pastoral Centre.