Thursday, August 29, 2024

Jubilee Yātra at MMI and DMI

The Missionaries of Mary Immaculate (MMI) and the Daughters of Mary Immaculate (DMI) celebrated a momentous Jubilee Yātra today at St. Thomas Mount, Chennai. This significant event brought together leaders from both congregations, marking a day of reflection, dialogue, and commitment to the principles of synodal leadership.

The Jubilee Yātra of the CCBI becomes meaningful as the DMI and MMI are already in the joy-filled celebrations of their Ruby Jubilee, Silver Jubilee, and of obtaining the status of Pontifical Right.

The event was graced by the presence of Rev. Fr. Z. Joseph William Parthiraj, MMI, the Superior General of the Missionaries of Mary Immaculate, and Rev. Sr. Lalitha, DMI, the Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate, and the members of the General Council and Provincial / Regional Superiors, and newly-ordained Deacons. 

On behalf of Very Rev. Fr. J. E. Arul Raj, the esteemed Founder of the DMI, MMI, and AMI, they extended a warm welcome to Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, the National Coordinator for Synod and Jubilee 2025, who played a pivotal role in animating the leadership teams of both congregations.

The Jubilee Yātra centered around the theme of 'Synodal Leadership,' with discussions that emphasized its necessity in the contemporary Church. The sessions provided an in-depth exploration of the following key topics:

1. Synodal Leadership: Its Imperative. The discussions highlighted the urgent need for synodal leadership in fostering a Church that listens, discerns, and acts together. The imperative nature of this leadership model was emphasized as essential for the Church’s mission in today’s world.

2. Opportunities for Synodality: The participants explored the various opportunities that synodality presents for enhancing collaboration, inclusivity, and unity within the Church and the Religious Institute(s). The session focused on the ways in which synodal practices can be implemented at different levels of Church leadership.

3. Challenges to Synodal Leadership: The challenges that hinder the effective implementation of synodal leadership were candidly discussed. Issues such as resistance to change, cultural differences, and communication barriers were identified, along with strategies to overcome them.

4. Personal Efforts and Initiatives for Synodal Leadership: The final session encouraged personal reflection and the identification of individual contributions to fostering a synodal Church. Leaders were called to take proactive steps in their own contexts to promote a culture of synodality.

The day concluded with a renewed commitment from the leadership teams to embody the principles of synodal leadership in their ministries and communities. 

The Jubilee Yātra served as a significant milestone in the journey of the MMI and DMI, reinforcing their dedication to the vision of a more synodal and inclusive Church.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Jubilee Yātra in Kuzhithurai

The Diocese of Kuzhithurai welcomed the CCBI Jubilee Yātra, a visit of the CCBI National Facilitating Team for Jubilee 2025 to reach the synodal findings, Jubilee 2025 information, and CCBI XXXVI Plenary Assembly Preparatory Document, to the local churches. 

The event, held as a monthly recollection at the diocesan level, brought together 130 priests and religious for a day of spiritual reflection, renewal, and unity.

His Excellency, Most Rev. Dr. Albert Anastas, Bishop of Kuzhithurai, addressed the gathering, emphasising the importance of the synodal journey. "Let us walk together as pilgrims of hope on the synodal journey, celebrating our communion, promoting participation, and always focused on mission," he encouraged, setting a tone of unity and purpose for the day.

Msgr. S. Xavier Benedict, Vicar General of the Diocese, echoed these sentiments, highlighting the significance of the upcoming Jubilee Year. "Jubilee 2025 is a time of renewal for the Universal Church and our local church,: he stated, calling on the diocesan community to embrace this period as an opportunity for spiritual growth and collective renewal.

Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, National Coordinator for Jubilee 2025, led the sessions, which focused on the synod, Jubilee 2025 preparations, and the CCBI Plenary Assembly Preparatory Document. His insights and guidance provided valuable direction as the Diocese prepares to engage fully in the Jubilee celebrations.

During the session, group chats were held to identify opportunities and challenges for synodality in the local Church. 

In the light of the Four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council, the participants identified their pastoral priorities and drew calls to action.

The CCBI Jubilee Yatra in Kuzhithurai encouraged collective commitment to walk together in faith, hope, and mission, as it joins the Universal Church in preparing for the momentous Jubilee Year 2025.

Later in the evening, the representatives of the Diocesan Pastoral Council came together to plan for the Jubilee 2025 dissemination, preparations, and celebrations.

At the end of the recollection, everyone went with enthusiasm and passion for Jubilee 2025. And each one carried a personal resolution - an effort or initiative - for the Holy Year.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Third Diocesan Contact Persons Training Program

The Third (and the Final) Diocesan Contact Persons Training Program successfully took place on 22-23 August 2024, in Kolkata. The event saw the participation of 51 Diocesan Contact Persons from across the country, marking a significant step in the ongoing preparations for Jubilee 2025.

His Grace Most Rev. Thomas D'Souza, Archbishop of Calcutta, delivered the presidential address, emphasising the importance of collaboration and mutual support among the Contact Persons. “Using the metaphor of the redwood,” the Archbishop remarked, “I would like to communicate that we need to network with each other for better stability and growth. Jubilee 2025 is a time of grace, renewal, and restoration.”


The training program featured insightful sessions facilitated by Sr. Lidwin Fernandes, Fr. Enoch Mackwan, and Fr. Yesu Karunanidhi, members of the CCBI National Facilitating Team for Jubilee 2025. Their guidance and expertise provided the participants with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively lead their dioceses in the spiritual journey towards the Jubilee.


The program was well-received, with participants expressing their gratitude for the opportunity to deepen their understanding and strengthen their roles in this critical period of renewal. The training sessions focused on fostering a spirit of unity, collaboration, and preparation for the forthcoming Jubilee, ensuring that every diocese is equipped to lead their faithful in a meaningful celebration of this holy occasion.


The event was sponsored by Pontifical Mission Organizations India, and Communio. During the training program, the participants were exposed to Catholic Connect App, and CCBI XXXVI Plenary Assembly Preparatory Document.


Msgr. Edward Kerketta, Diocesan Administrator of Bagdogra, presided over the valedictory session. Handing over the Jubilee 2025 lamp to the participants, he said, “Let us keep this light of hope alive in our hearts and in the hearts of every individual whom we encounter.”


Fr. Urgen Lepcha of Darjeeling proposed the vote of thanks. With the Jubilee 2025 hymn, the training came to a joyful close.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Second Diocesan Contact Persons Training Program

The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) successfully conducted the Second Training of Trainers (ToT) program for Diocesan Contact Persons (DCPs) on August 19-20, 2024, at Gianodaya, New Pastoral Centre in Jalandhar, Punjab. This program is part of the larger initiative to prepare the Catholic community in India for the Jubilee 2025 celebrations, under the theme "Pilgrims of Hope." The training aimed at empowering the Diocesan Contact Persons for Jubilee 2025 Preparations and Celebrations was organized in collaboration with the Pontifical Mission Organizations, India, and Communio.

Program Overview

The two-day program was designed by Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara, Deputy Secretary General and the National Facilitating Team to equip DCPs with the knowledge, resources, and strategies necessary to spearhead the Jubilee 2025 initiatives within their dioceses. The event featured a series of sessions that covered various aspects of the Jubilee preparations, including its spiritual significance, practical planning, and dissemination strategies.

Day 1 Highlights

The training commenced on August 19 with an introductory session on the dynamics of Jubilee 2025, led by key facilitators. The sessions focused on setting the context of Jubilee 2025, understanding its significance, and the Year of Learning & Praying. Participants also had the opportunity to share best practices from their dioceses, with contributions from Pontifical Mission Organizations, Communio, and Catholic Connect. The day concluded with Holy Mass, Adoration, and a communal supper.

Day 2 Highlights

On August 20, the program continued with a focus on the CCBI Preparatory Document, themes for parish feast novenas, and the Jubilee 2025 calendar. The participants were also introduced to a comprehensive resources library and toolkit to aid in their preparations. The training culminated in a valedictory session presided over by His Excellency, Most Rev. Agnelo Gracias, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Jalandhar, who emphasized the importance of the DCPs’ roles in ensuring a unified and meaningful celebration of Jubilee 2025 across India. The event concluded with a group photo and a final lunch before departure.


The training successfully equipped the Diocesan Contact Persons with the necessary tools and insights to lead Jubilee 2025 preparations in their respective dioceses. 24 Participants left with a deeper understanding of the Jubilee’s spiritual and pastoral significance, as well as practical strategies for implementation at the local level. Rev. Fr. Robert Joseph Gonsalves of the Diocese of Vasai, bearing a testimony said, "The program has equipped us with tools for Jubilee 2025 preparations and celebrations." Mr. Sameer Lakra of the Diocese of Simla-Chandigarh added, "We are happy to be involved in the Jubilee 2025 preparations. Our Holy Father Pope Francis constantly reaches out to the peripheries. He is a real 'pilgrim of hope.'"


The Jalandhar ToT program marks a significant milestone in the CCBI’s preparations for Jubilee 2025. The CCBI expresses its gratitude to all participants, facilitators, and partners for their dedication and contributions to the success of this event. A special word of gratitude to Rev. Fr. Antony Thuruthiyil, Regional Deputy Secretary General to the North Region for coordinating the event. Moving forward, the CCBI is confident that the DCPs will play a crucial role in guiding their dioceses toward a spiritually enriching and unified celebration of Jubilee 2025.


Jubilee Yātra at Jalandhar Seminary

The Holy Trinity Regional Seminary in Jalandhar hosted a significant event on Sunday, 18 August 2024, as part of the CCBI Jubilee Yatra, introducing seminarians to the Jubilee 2025 and its preparatory year of learning and prayer.


Rev. Dr. Sahaya Thatheus Thomas, Rector of the Seminary, warmly welcomed the National Facilitating Team and set the tone for the day’s reflections, emphasizing the importance of hope in our spiritual journey. “We must light the lamp of hope in everyone who we meet,” he said, inspiring all present to carry forward this mission in their communities.


A total of 56 seminarians participated in the session, which was both enlightening and interactive. The National Facilitating Team provided an in-depth exposition on the preparations for Jubilee 2025, highlighting the themes and spiritual significance of the upcoming celebrations. 


Following the presentation, the seminarians engaged in fruitful group discussions, where they explored various pathways to light the flame of hope in their own lives and in the lives of those they serve. The discussions were a witness to their commitment to embracing and spreading the message of the Jubilee.

The event marked a significant step in the seminarians’ journey towards Jubilee 2025, equipping them with the knowledge and inspiration to be bearers of hope in the world.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

First Diocesan Contact Persons Training for Jubilee 2025

Successful Launch: CCBI Completes First Diocesan Contact Persons Training for Jubilee 2025

Bengaluru, India – August 19, 2024– The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) is pleased to announce the successful completion of the Training of Trainers (ToT) program for Diocesan Contact Persons (DCPs) held on August 16-17, 2024, at the National Biblical Catechetical and Liturgical Centre (NBCLC) in Bengaluru. This pivotal event marks a crucial step in the nationwide preparations for the Jubilee 2025 celebrations, themed “Pilgrims of Hope.”

The two-day program, organised in collaboration with the Pontifical Mission Organizations, India, and Communio, was attended by representatives from dioceses across the country. The training aimed to equip DCPs with the knowledge, resources, and strategies necessary to lead and coordinate Jubilee 2025 initiatives in their respective regions.


The program began with an introductory session led by Rev. Dr. Christopher Vimalraj Hiruthya, CCBI Associate Deputy Secretary General, who set the tone for the event by emphasizing the spiritual significance of the Jubilee and the importance of unity in the Church’s mission. Throughout the two days, participants engaged in a series of sessions covering the key aspects of the Jubilee, including its significance, the Year of Learning and Praying, and best practices for parish-level preparations.


A highlight of the training was the session on dissemination strategies, which provided participants with practical tools for spreading the Jubilee message across their dioceses. The program also introduced the CCBI’s Preparatory Document and discussed the themes for parish feast novenas and the Jubilee 2025 calendar. 


The event concluded with a valedictory session presided over by His Grace, Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore. In his closing remarks, Archbishop Machado praised the dedication of the participants and encouraged them to carry the spirit of the Jubilee into their communities. “Your role as Diocesan Contact Persons is vital in ensuring that the message of hope reaches every corner of our nation,” he said. Mr. Nigel Fernandes, CEO, ATC Publishers, and Fr. Anil Prasad, Deputy Secretary to Karnataka Region were present for the occasion.


The Handbook that was used during the training was co-authored by Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara, CCBI Deputy Secretary General. 


Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi, National Coordinator, Convenor, and Facilitator for the Jubilee 2025 preparations expressed his gratitude to all participants and partners. “This program has laid a strong foundation for our collective efforts as we move forward towards Jubilee 2025. The energy and commitment shown by the DCPs during these two days have been truly inspiring,” he said.


The CCBI looks forward to continued collaboration with dioceses across India as they work together to prepare for a meaningful and spiritually enriching Jubilee 2025.