Saturday, November 25, 2023

Dindigul Jubilee Yātra

Most Rev. P. Thomas Paulsamy, Bishop of Dindigul, inaugurating the Jubilee Yātra in the Diocese of Dindigul, on Saturday, 25 November 2023, at St. Joseph's Cathedral Campus, said, "The Universal Church has completed the First Session of the XVI General Assembly of the Synod for a Synodal Church. The Synthesis Report calls for discernment at the Local Churches on communion, mission, and participation. The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI), integrating the Synod for a Synodal Church, invites us to prepare for the Jubilee 2025 through a year of learning and praying (2024). May the Holy Year 2025 be a year of renewal of faith in the Diocese of Dindigul and may we journey as pilgrims of hope joining hands with all."

Rev. Msgr. T. Sahayaraj, Vicar General, Rev. Fr. A. Samson Arockiadass, Procurator, Rev. Fr. P. John Peter, Chancellor, Rev. Fr. R. Maria Ignaci, Dean of Saint Joseph's Vicariate and Diocesan Contact Person for the Jubilee 2025 organised the event, which was attended by 210 priests and religious. 

The National Facilitating Team (a) introduced the highlights of the Synthesis Report of the Synod; (b) spelled out the scope and the significance of the Ordinary Jubilee 2025; and (c) proposed ways and means to partake in the Jubilee 2025 Preparations and Celebrations.

Deacon John Bosco, pointing at the presence of progressive and conservative trends in the Documents of the Second Vatican Council, asked how the present study of the Documents will help us resolve the tension.

Sr. Rajeswari OSM, a participant, interrogated on the change of synod tagline from 'communion-participation-mission' to 'communion-mission-participation.'

The parish priests and the heads of the religious institutes assured that they would take the themes of the Documents of the Second Vatican Council to the lay faithful and the community members. The following novena themes were proposed to the parish priests:

1. The Second Vatican Council: Scope and Impacts.

2. Divine Revelation and Human Response.

3. Sacred Liturgy: Mystery of Faith and Mystical Body of Christ.

4.  Identity and Vocation of the Church: The Call to the People of God to Holiness.

5. Reading the Signs of the Times in the Light of the Gospel.

6. Religious Freedom and Unitive Relationship: Paths and Avenues for Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue.

7. The Apostolates of the Lay Faithful: in the Church and the Society.

8. Office of the Bishops, Ministry and Life of Priests: Renewal.

9. Missionary Activities of the Church: New Perspectives.

10. Journey towards the Synodal Church: Moving Forward

The Diocese of Dindigul is the first Diocese in the Tamil Nadu Region to initiate the Jubilee Yātra. Our sincere appreciation and thanks to His Excellency Most Rev. P. Thomas Paulsamy, Bishop of Dindigul.

Pontifical Mission Organizations on Jubilee Yātra

"The real life-realities invite us to make response; We are mission, not we have mission; and Today's context is Glocal (global and local combined)," said Rev. Fr. Dr. Ambrose Pitchaimuthu, Director of the Pontifical Mission Organizations (PMO), India, as he inaugurated the Jubilee 2025 Yātra, at the National Meeting of the Regional Secretaries of the Commission for Proclamation and Regional Directors of Pontifical Mission Organizations, on Wednesday, 22 November 2023, at Pastoral Orientation Centre (POC), KCBC Secretariat, Kochi, Ernakulam, Kerala.

Earlier, stressing on the importance of evangelization, Most Rev. Alangaram Arokia Sebastin Durairaj, Archbishop of Bhopal and Chairman of the CCBI Commission for Proclamation and Pontifical Mission Organizations India, said that all the ministries of the Church are aimed at evangelization, i.e., proclamation of the joy of the gospel. The Jubilee 2025 is an occasion to renew the spirit of proclamation.

The meeting was attended by 27 regional secretaries and directors. The National Facilitating Team for the Jubilee 2025 proposed different ways and means of integrating the insights of the Second Vatican Council into the ministry of proclamation.

The Pontifical Mission Organizations refer to a group of Catholic missionary organizations that operate under the authority of the Holy See (the Pope). These organizations are responsible for coordinating and supporting various missionary activities of the Catholic Church globally.

The Pontifical Mission Organizations are:

1. Propagation of the Faith (Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, now Dicastery for Evangelization): Also known as the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, this organization was founded in 1822 by Pauline Jaricot. Its primary purpose is to promote and support missionary work and evangelization in areas where the Catholic Church is not well established.

2. Missionary Childhood Association (Holy Childhood): This organization focuses on involving children and young people in the missionary efforts of the Church. It encourages them to pray, sacrifice, and offer financial support for the benefit of children in mission territories.

3. Society of St. Peter the Apostle: Founded in 1889, this organization is dedicated to supporting the education and training of local clergy and religious in mission territories. It provides financial assistance for the education of seminarians and religious novices.

4. Missionary Union of Priests and Religious: Established in 1916, this organization promotes a missionary spirit among priests, religious, and consecrated individuals. It seeks to deepen their commitment to missionary work and foster collaboration with the universal mission of the Church.

These organizations work together to raise awareness, funds, and support for missionary activities, with a focus on areas where the Catholic Church is not well-established or faces challenges. The Pontifical Mission Organizations play a crucial role in advancing the Church's mission to spread the Gospel and provide humanitarian assistance in diverse cultural and social contexts around the world.

The Jubilee Yātra was organised Rev. Fr. Dr. Ambrose Pitchaimuthu, Secretary to the CCBI Commission for Proclamation and the Director of PMO India, and Rev. Fr. Raju Mathew, Associate Secretary to the CCBI Commission for Proclamation. The sessions were facilitated by Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi.

Proclamation Commission Jubilee Yātra

At the meeting of the Leaders and Animators of Initiatives in New Evangelization in India, organised by the CCBI Commission for Proclamation and Pontifical Mission Organizations India, held on 20-21 November 2023, at Christeen, Kottayam, Kerala, the National Facilitating Team of the CCBI for the Ordinary Jubilee 2025, introduced the scope and the significance of Jubilee 2025 for the Evangelisation ministry in the Church.

As many as 135 regional secretaries, diocesan directors, team-leaders of different initiatives in New Evangelisation attended the Jubilee Yātra.

The outline of the presentation held at the meeting is: (i) Bible - First Things First; (ii) Proclamation - Charism and Renewal; (iii) New Evangelization - Not a New Coke! (iv) Synod for a Synodal Church - where have we come from? where are we going? (v) Jubilee 2025 - what? why? how? and (vi) Joining Hands - collaboration and networking.

The participants of the Jubilee Yātra resolved that they would incorporate the Year of Learning-Praying into their ministry in the year 2024, and will prepare the people of God for entering the Holy Door in 2025. 

The CCBI Commission for Proclamation, as the main member of the National Facilitating Team for the Ordinary Jubilee 2025, has been engaged in (a) preparing the novena themes (in English) based on the Documents of the Second Vatican Council; (b) writing and publishing two books in English: 365 Prayer Intentions, and 25 Forms of Prayer; and (c) Animating training programs to conduct retreats on prayer, and prayer services.

The Pontifical Mission Organizations India, along with Communio, is a partner for the Jubilee 2025 Preparations and Celebrations in India.

The Jubilee Yātra was organised Rev. Fr. Dr. Ambrose Pitchaimuthu, Secretary to the CCBI Commission for Proclamation and the Director of PMO India, and Rev. Fr. Raju Mathew, Associate Secretary to the CCBI Commission for Proclamation. The sessions were facilitated by Rev. Prof. Dr. Yesu Karunanidhi.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Rayagada Jubilee Yātra

The C
lergy of the Diocese of Rayagada under the leadership of Most Rev. Aplinar Senapati CM, Bishop of Rayagada, was engaged in a reflection on the Four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council during their Annual Retreat from 12 - 17 November 2023, at Rayagada.

Prior to the retreat, the religious and the faithful of the Diocese of Rayagada were invited to pray at the Church of Our Lady Queen of Mission Cathedral for the effectiveness of the preparations for the Jubilee 2025 with a special reference to the Annual Retreat of their Clergy. After the retreat, a session on Jubilee 2025 was held at St. Peter's Minor Seminary, Rayagada.

The retreat was directed by the National Facilitating Team for Jubilee 2025. 

The Introductory Conference is centred on 
Presbyterorum Ordinis: Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests. ‘Ministry of the Church; ministry of priests; priests’ functions; priests’ relationship with others; life of priests; life of perfection; spiritual requirements; obedience, celibacy, poverty. cf. Synod for a Synodal Church Communion-Mission-Participation; Jubilee 2025 Pilgrims of Hope.

Three dimensions of priestly ministry and life: (a) Honourable (love of God; connection); (b) Set apart (love of self; cultivation); and (c) Useful (love of neighbour; contribution).

The highlights of other conferences are: 

Dei Verbum. the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation. Sacred Scripture. Sacred Tradition. Develop love for the word of God, and love for the Church. cf. Evangelii Gaudium. Aperuit Illis.

Sacrosanctum Concilium. Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. Liturgy and worship. Sacraments and sacramentals. Divine office. Liturgical year. Sacred music, art, space. Desiderio Desideravi. Consciousness. Mystery. Formation for and by the liturgy.

Lumen Gentium. Dogmatic Constitution on the Church. Mystery of the Church. People of God. Hierarchical structure. Laity. Call to holiness. Religious. Blessed Virgin Mary.

Gaudium et Spes. Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World. The dignity of the human person, The community of humankind, Human person’s activity throughout the world, The role of the Church in the modern world. Family.

Fratelli Tutti. On fraternity and social friendship.

Gaudete et exsultate. Totum amoris est. C’est la confiance.

Pope Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas Est. Spe Salvi. Caritas in Veritate.

Pope Francis, Patris Corde.

The Diocese of Rayagada is the 2nd of the 132 Latin Dioceses visited in India as part of the Jubilee Yātra of Hope. 

Pontifical Mission Organizations India, and Communio are the partners of Jubilee 2025 preparations and celebrations in India.

Liturgical Resources for the Prep. Inauguration

Conference of Catholic Bishops of India

Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope


Inauguration of the Preparations for the Ordinary Jubilee 2025

Sunday, 26 November 2023

Solemnity of Christ the King


Guidelines and Liturgical Resources


It has been proposed that all the Local Churches inaugurate the Preparations for the Ordinary Jubilee 2025, on Sunday, 26 November 2023, Solemnity of Christ the King. However, at the discretion of the Local Ordinary a suitable date and time could be fixed.


Kindly note that we are inaugurating the preparations for the Jubilee 2025, NOT the celebrations. The celebrations will be inaugurated on 24 November 2024 by the Holy Father. 


The inauguration of the preparations comprises of three elements: 


(a) Unveiling of the logo of the Jubilee 2025. The logo could be unveiled by printing it on an eco-friendly fabric board or could be unfurled as a flag with logo printed on white background. All the parishes, and the religious institutes are invited to make the logo posted in their premises.


(b) A special Mass be celebrated with the maximum participation of the clergy, the religious, and the lay faithful, where the congregation could be introduced to the preparations for the Jubilee 2025.


(c) Recital of Jubilee 2025 prayer begins on 26 November 2023 and will be recited till the end of the Jubilee Year 2025. 


1. Mass Introduction & Unveiling of the Jubilee 2025 Logo


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,


Our Holy Mother Church has completed the First Session of the XVI General Assembly of the Synod on synodality, reflecting on ‘communion, mission, participation.’ The journey began in October 2021 with the Diocesan Phase, when all the faithful of the Local Churches were involved in the discussion; in the Continental Phase we discerned on different voices that emerged across the Episcopal Conferences; and in the Universal Phase deliberations have been made on communion, mission, and participation, and the synthesis report, ‘A Synodal Church in Mission’ is its fruit.


Integrating the synodal journey, and responding to the invitation of the Holy Father, the Church in India, inaugurates today the preparations for the Ordinary Jubilee 2025.


‘Pilgrims of Hope’ is the motto of the celebrations of Ordinary Jubilee 2025. Our Holy Father Pope Francis underscores the importance of hope in Christian life amidst uncertainties and hardships created by the pandemic and wars.


Learn, Pray, and Walk – these are the three words that we need to remember today. In the preparatory year (2023-2024), that we inaugurate today, we will learn the Four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council (on Bible, Worship, Church, and World) and will pray with the Church for the entire humanity. And in 2025 we will walk the Jubilee Doors in Rome making a pilgrimage to the Four Basilicas.


The logo for the Jubilee 2025 – that we unveil shortly – shows four figures in four colours representing the entire humanity hailing from the four corners of the earth. They embrace each other in solidarity and fraternity. The figure at the front holds fast to the cross, which gives us hope. The rough waves under the figures represent the present context of the world which is marked by turmoil and troubles. The lower part of the cross has been elongated and turned into the shape of an anchor which is a symbol of hope. The image illustrates the pilgrim’s journey not as an individual effort, but as a collective enterprise. At the bottom of the logo lies the motto of the Jubilee Year 2025: ‘Peregrinantes in Spem’ (‘Pilgrims of Hope’).


The Jubilee 2025 is meant to celebrate God, the Church, and each of us. The post-pandemic war-hitting world today needs ‘hope.’ As pilgrims of hope let us light candle of hope in our families, workplaces, parishes, Diocese, and society. 


May Christ the King instil in us the ray of hope, and inspire us to walk his path of service.


We shall unveil the Jubilee 2025 logo now.


2. Homily Notes


[The following text explains the Jubilee 2025, its meaning, purpose, preparation, and celebration. The text serves as a tool for homily preparation. At the end of the Prayers of the Faithful, the Celebrant, during the silent pause, shall invite the congregation to pray for the effectiveness of the preparations for the Jubilee 2025]


a. Jubilee in the Bible. Etymologically, the word ‘jubilee’ comes from the Hebrew word ‘yobel’ (= ram’s horn) which was used as a trumpet to announce the beginning of the 50th year, i.e., the completion of 49 years (7 times 7 years). According to Lev 25:8-13 the celebration of the jubilee year entails release of slaves, forgiveness of debts, repatriation of property. In other words, jubilee is understood as four R’s: Rest (the land is given rest); Review (an inventory of life, livestock, personnel, and land is taken); Restore (setting the societal clock back to zero); and Reconcile (aligning our relationships right with God and one another). The ‘holy year’ which the Prophet Isaiah (cf. Isa 61; See Also Lk 4) speaks of also alludes to jubilee. Here, the holy year is understood as the year of recalling and announcing God’s favour and mercy. From the biblical point of view, celebration of a jubilee makes us retrospect the past (liberation), live in the present (consolation), and set our vision on the future (moving forward). Besides, jubilee is the celebration of time, and since it is the celebration of time it is a gift from God. That is why we pray at the Easter Vigil: ‘all times belong to him and all ages.’


b. Jubilees in History. The first ordinary jubilee year (‘holy year’) was announced in 1300 by Pope Boniface VIII. Initially, ordinary jubilee was celebrated once in 100 years; Pope Clement VI in 1343 began to celebrate it every 50 years; in 1470 Pope Paul II made it every 25 years. There have also been ‘extraordinary’ holy years: in 1933 Pope Pius XI celebrated 1900th anniversary of the Redemption (based on this, some charismatic groups propagate 2033 as the jubilee of the Great Mission Command, but the Church has not officially endorsed it); in 2015 Pope Francis proclaimed the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. The previous ordinary jubilee was the Great Jubilee 2000, for which we had three years of preparation: 1997 (God the Son), 1998 (God the Holy Spirit), and 1999 (God the Father). Jubilee events entail entering the holy door, undertaking pilgrimages, and obtaining indulgences.


c. Characteristics of the Jubilee. The Dicastery for Evangelization, Section for Fundamental Questions regarding Evangelization in the World, which coordinates the celebrations, spells out seven characteristics of the Jubilee: (i) Pilgrimage (journey, crossing of boundaries, going across the fields, with other journeying companions); (ii) Holy Door (powerful sign, four Roman Basilicas, Jesus is the Door, journey to the interior of a church); (iii) Reconciliation (placing God at the centre of our lives, restoration of social justice, confession); (iv) Prayer (being open to God’s presence and his offer of love); (v) Liturgy (public prayer of the Church, summit and font, opening of the door); (vi) Profession of faith (identity of the baptized person, Apostolic Creed, Nicene Creed); and (vii) Indulgences (experience of God’s mercy, offering up sufferings).


d. The purpose of the Jubilee is threefold: (i) To celebrate Jesus. In the jubilee year we primarily celebrate Jesus, the incarnate Son of the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit. We commemorate his birth, life, teaching, ministry, passion, death, and resurrection. We take conscious and fruitful efforts ‘to know him more clearly, to love him more dearly, and to follow him more nearly.’ (ii) To celebrate the Church, which is our Mother and Teacher. We renew our commitment to our Holy Catholic Church by owing our communion and contribution. And (iii) To celebrate us. We celebrate each one of us, with unique gifts and charisms, vocations and ministries, lifestyles, and values. The Jubilee 2025 invites us to ‘remember’ God, to ‘review’ our relation to God and God’s Church, and to ‘restore’ our relationships with God and God’s people. Celebration of Jesus, Church, and us happens in the context of our synodal journey in communion, mission, and participation. 


e. The year of learning and praying (2023-2024): The Holy Father wishes that the four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council be studied to obtain direction and guidance for God’s people. We are asked to read the four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council (Dei VerbumSacrosanctum ConciliumLumen Gentium,and Gaudium et Spes), to understand the general themes of the Council, and to explore Jesus, the Church, and our lives in the world today. The Dicastery of Evangelization has brought forth 35 booklets giving background information to the Second Vatican Council and to the Four Constitutions. In the year of prayer we are called to pray with the Universal Church, in the Local Churches, for the entire humanity. We may reflect on prayer in Christian life, sacraments, sacramentals, pious practices, and popular devotions as well. The Dicastery has published 9 notebooks on prayer.


f. Year of Jubilee (2025): In the Jubilee Year we shall enter the Holy Doors of the four Major Basilicas (Saints Peter and Paul, St. John Lateran, St. Mary Major, and St. Paul outside the walls). We may also enter the doors for hope, lighting a ray of hope in prisons, homes for the elderly and the dying destitute, hospitals, and refugee camps.


The Ordinary Jubilee 2025, an integral part of the synodal journey, invites us to be pilgrims of hope, givers of hope, and livers of hope. 


3. Jubilee 2025 Prayer (after Communion, or at the end of the Mass)


[Kindly translate and print the prayer in your regional language. Translations in the following languages are distributed through Regional Deputy Secretaries of the Bishops’ Councils: Kannada, Konkani (Mangalore), Hindi, Malayalam, Odiya, Punjabi, Tamil, and Telugu. Languages cited in alphabetical order.]


Father in heaven,

may the faith you have given us

in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,

and the flame of charity enkindled

in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,

reawaken in us the blessed hope

for the coming of your Kingdom.


May your grace transform us

into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.

May those seeds transform from within both humanity 

and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation

of a new heaven and a new earth,

when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,

your glory will shine eternally.


May the grace of the Jubilee

reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,

a yearning for the treasures of heaven.

May that same grace spread

the joy and peace of our Redeemer

throughout the earth.


To you our God, eternally blessed,

be glory and praise for ever.




Pope Francis







[Text revised on 10 November 2023

by the National Facilitating Team for Jubilee 2025

Conference of Catholic Bishops of India]